Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Food for thought ;)

Bachelor/Student life is known for its own nuances. When staying in turbid room with limited space for oneself, a person explores a life where he/she (just for gender equality, I just meant 'he' ;) coz, I am not perfectly aware about my fellow sisters) tries to minimize activities to a level that piles of dust border most of the place and apart from the sleeping zone of the apartment. Then comes the area for 'cooking'. It can be also called as the area for noodles cum teas. An induction cooker, a bowl cum fry pan, a glass, a spoon, a plate and a few small bottles with limited spices and tea powders. This is the most luxurious description of a room of a student. 

Monday, June 27, 2016


When I was whining here about my loss, which in reality is nothing, many people around the world are struggling with their lives..

People in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt, etc etc could use their lives any moment. People of Gaza are struggling to have bits of food and freshwater. Human rights are just a bad joke to these people.

Many around the world are born in to the cycle of constant torture and injustice.
For them, our so called problems aren't a problem at all, because, what we think we have in default is denied for them. There are people out there who couldn't walk down their streets without the fear of being shot dead.
For them, what we have is heavenly. So, let us stop brooding over these small issues and know how lucky we are infact.
Let us try to atleast pray for those who are struggling on a daily basis to have a day with proper food, who dream for a day without gun fires...

Sunday, June 26, 2016

wisdom ends

When we are advising someone, we become full of wisdom, and turns to the bade bhaiyya mode...

And when we go under the bus, and are sad, we forget how we had advised others...
we want a shoulder to rest our head...


Saturday, June 25, 2016


It is funny, when we feel happy or sad about things we never had....

I remember a fight in my childhood with my younger brothers,
We were having a discussion about buying a computer, the topic deviated to how much time each could get infront of it... and a small quarrel began. Afterall, the computer haven't been bought, and we were quarrelling about a future event, which ma never occur.

   In our lives, we too dream of how things would happen and act accordingly, we feel secure, by thinking about an event that may occur in the future and get desperate when we find it never occurred. The reason for desperation is because we missed something which was never ours in the first place...!!!

The way of survival is having hope. But, while hoping for good, we must be prepared for the worst... else, sometimes, what is written for us may hit so hard if we were expecting something what is not written for us...

Why don't we get addicted to studies..?!!

Addictions are not limited to drugs...
we could be addicted to people, things, games, social media etc etc...

It is only when we try to keep a distance from a thing that we come to know how deep we are attached to that. It is hard to keep away from things which we are addicted to...
Ramadan is a time, where we could try to restrict ourselves and to see how much we have control over our body and mind...