Tuesday, December 30, 2014

for you

I appreciate your patience, but I don't undetstand what you want from me...

You are doing a futile wait, perhaps...
or were you waiting for such a post as this?

I would not have written this for you, if you have not visited here this frequent...
But, my friend, it is not good.. or never good to do this...
At first it would be like, it would bring happiness or a pleasre of doing something different...

But, after a while this will hound you... as a nightmare...
I was happy with my blog and became more happy when I found somebody is reading/ watching...

I wish good for you...
It is better to stop visiting...
Don't take it as a second invitation when you were reducing the number of visit you daily make...

I just want to tell, you had your own influence over me and perhaps for me, over you...
don't be depressed...
Just be happy... there are many around you, who do not have a phone nor know to read or write...

I wish to write more... but Im on a journey...
and Im concluding...

Just include me in your duas...
Assalaamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakaathuh...

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