Friday, October 16, 2015


Today, in class i was looking at the board on which our teacher is deriving some equation.. (there is a heading Von karman momentum integral)... it was purely 'mathematical'.. i just searched for a 'number" all over the board... voila, i found a '2' used to 'square' a velocity term...

In childhood, i perceived maths as something which showed me wonders with numbers... in the kingdom of addition and multiplication i found enjoyment... while now, i look at mathematics as a dreadful nightmare... if this what is maths made of, if this was how it all was goin to an end.., somewhere i missed a point... i could just hope that the way i saw mahs would not be exactly the 'ideal mathematics', but something which humanity could live in harmony with...

Today morning, I was going through the news paper, just to know about what all things are happening around me. I could see bloodshed, sorrows, and wailings around the world... people making other people's lives miserable... i came to know that in my motherland, people fear to express their views.., they were getting killed for their way of life, they were dictated what they were supposed to eat, wear or walk with... they were forced to think in a certain way. I was looking at the largest democracy of the world, to find any of the great values proclaimed by others... and voila, i found nothing...

In childhood, at school, i was taught about freedom fighters, martyrs who struggled their whole life just to earn us what we now call freedom... they built a democratic nation, where they envisaged a rule of the people, by the people, for the people... and now, i am somewhat disillusioned that the rule is of 'THE' PEOPLE, by 'THE' PEOPLE and for 'THE' PEOPLE... i am in the middle of the puddle of hate speeches, intolerance and mob policing.., while the politicians eating the tax money (as well as the money they procure through corruption) paid by the common man shamelessly doing just the opposite of what they are supposed to do...

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