Thursday, February 26, 2015

Do include in duas...

I just found out that somewhere, at some point in my life my prayers became so much mechanical that right now I don't know whether I am telling Bismillah before I take food...
I think, no I am sure that I need to have a change...

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


While roaming through the Jaipur city, I noted one simple thing- on the branches of trees there are earthen pots hung... it is seen at irregular intervals. At first I didn't get what for it was meant... may be some sort of belief or custom. But on the course of time, I got to know that it was meant for feeding birds!!
The city to its outskirts have evolved a culture, a culture of helping even the animals of the arid locality to have a bit of food and water... It is not the flowery emotionally charged words that help others in need, but the simple, small deeds of man, with no presumption of any return from those who are helped, nor a word of thanks expected from them that counts as charity.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


When I had a 'saada' phone, I saw people around me using better phones where there is music player, and they using it to hear Qur'an recitation... I thought like, if I had such mobiles, I would be using to hear Qur'an any time...
After a year or so, I got a phone which could play media files and I got the full audio of the Holy book from a friend... for a period, I used to hear it and eventually it reduced and stopped... During that time android revolution changed the concepts of the world... and apps where we could read Qur'an came... then, I saw my friends using those phones and again I envied them and desired to get a phone with which I could read and hear the Qur'an...
And I got such a phone...
But, right now, I don't know when was the last time I listened to those recitations I carry in my pocket...


To make a child have a plate of food is a laborious task, or so I felt when I tried to feed one of my cousin...
But, then I thought of many children who do not have provision for a meal per day, out of poverty... will they do the same, if I offer them food..?
Certainly not...
I think we have to teach our children what they are force fed is worth much more...
We are so forgetful about the situations around us...

Sunday, February 22, 2015


When there is a mood-swing, the thing to be cared is whether we could learn something positive out of it...

Recently, when I was submerged in sins, I could find that this time the situation have turned graver... I forgot the swalah timing twice...
I forgot is a wrong way of telling it... I neglected would be a better word...
There is an Ayat in Qur'an suggesting that if we move back to sins after repenting and repeat this process, then at a point, we could not return back...
I feared it...
And I am still a bit tensed...
If I am repeating my disregard then I will be a total failure...
Hope I turn to good...
Insha Allah, Insha Allah...


Angane ib examum kaynj...
Jeevihathillakshyabodham nashtapett uzhalunna aathmaavaayi angane nadakkunnu...
Enthukondennariyilla... oro divasavum oro nilakkulla chinthakalumaayi vattupidich aarodo ulla deshyam theerkkunnu...

Thursday, February 19, 2015


It is wonderful to know that despite the very truth of despair hanging in the air, we have enough reasons to be grateful for what we got...
I am lucky to know that I was not loved by people whom I loved and that too directly from them...
I am lucky that, I could still love them, though there is no much change in their attitude towards me...
We could be sad with what we do not have or be content with what all we enjoyed... while we had our own thought processes and enjoyed the moments, without knowing the reality that the person whom we trusted and loved and with whom we were enjoying was in another world... but we did enjoy those moments... right..? If he, didn't found those moments amusing and kept his reservations to himself, then didn't he support us to be happy..?

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


I became a merchant of hope
But nobody bought anything from me...
So I decided to be merchant of distress,
So that the world be a better place,
since nobody buys anything from me...
But, I now enjoy a good sale


It is like this...
I was yesterday in a mood to send a message of advice to one of my friend..,
And today, I saw myself immersed in sins and decided to drop it...
I could not understand why my brain pulls me to sins...
Need to build more eemaan

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Running away

While reading about Delhi election verdict, just remembered a story told by Anand Shankar about APJ and his boss (I think it was Vikram Sarabhay, let me assume so)... while a rocket launching program was on the way, the first launching failed miserably... APJ as team leader of the project was to meet the press conference, where reporters are waiting with all weapons to attack about wasting money on 'useless' things by an underdeveloped country... Sarabhai came to APJ and went with him to the press conference (sarabhai was the then head of space program) and answered all queries of the journalists with the assurance that the team would launch the rocket by next year...
The second launch was a success and APJ went to Sarabhai before press conference... Sarabhai told that it was his (APJ's) day to meet them...

A leader is one who takes the responsibility of failures but gives the credit to the team in the time of success


When someone who was dear to us dies, what comes to our mind may not be the beautiful moments we shared with him/her, but the moments we quarrelled, the words we uttered at few occasions and the chances of instances which we missed to apologize...

even at that point, we would be keeping grudge to many others who are still alive...
Is it not better we take the first step by shedding our devilish pride and work to melt the ice and forge better bonds...?

Friday, February 13, 2015


"Water can come back to a dried river
But what about a died fish"
-Shamsia Hassani
An Afghani woman, Artist, poet

Sunday, February 8, 2015


We all got changed within few years which have passed...
Our way of thought have been modified...
Our ideological stands were reoriented bit by bit to very different ones...
our friends and friendship have seen estrangements and reunion on unprecedented lines...
our way of finding happiness changed...
our food habits changed!!!
our faiths got altered...

and atlast, we look to the world around us and tell, Oh, the world have undergone drastic changes... and I feel like misplaced...

the one thing which did not change much was the concept of self-righteousness...

somewhere, we all became alone in the middle of the crowd and we are afraid to admit the TRUTH and change our path to a better one...

we just let our hearts to get consumed over little glittery things around and forget about the light which makes it shine...

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


People are of different stands...
the ideologies differ,
the way of life differ...
and at-last,
we fight between each other
without any known reason...
we talk of democracy, freedom
and a lot of other ideals...
but forget to know our brethren
and shed enough blood...

if there are two people,
there would be two opinions...
but we seldom acknowledge...

Sunday, February 1, 2015


We concentrate much on our outside appearances...
We spent much time to beautify our outer looks...
But, for a blind person, what we have done is not a matter for appreciation...

It is what is inside us which is valued there...
Love, do not require the ability to see...
Beauty is not simply what is there outside, projected...

Beyond those paraphernalia, there lies something, something which radiates love, and there we could see the beauty...

There is a world out there, who have not seen anything in this world... they have not got the luck of being blessed with 'vision'...
But, their inner eye... their heart... and they themselves are far far beautiful than us...

Sad that we still do not 'see'
Somewhere, we have to clear our cataract...

Dead again

Some people are dead even before they really die...
Few, out of cowardice,
Few, of knowing the world...
Few, still out of the thought of something lost,
which was in reality never theirs...
and there are still a few others,
who thinks they are alive,
but who simply are not...

the better part about these people are
that they could enjoy rebirth,
before their deaths...
but, they rarely use their chances...
and a few, sighs infront of the door to rebirth,
that they could have done it before...
and just dies again...