Thursday, January 8, 2015


Why do you like to cling back to the old friends, who don't even care about what you speak?

why do you wish to be humiliated again and again by the same 'friend'..?

why just forgiving a person, who do not value the ties or bonds...

why to be eager to help someone, who would never do a good to you,
and the guy who waits for the opportune moment to strike against you...

somewhere, lost in the chains of trust, though with a broken heart and a wounded soul,
hoping for a better day, which is yet to come but unsure of...

for a tender heart, with good tear glands,
seeing a moist cheek, would moist his cheeks...

it is better to be humiliated, made fun of and discarded when there is a need than, to see a pain of heart with cold eyes and turn away...

it is better to be humiliated...

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