Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New write up

Disclaimer: Please don’t think that this is an emotional ranting, just literary work with what I think is the truth, and don’t go for booking me under sedition ;)

 Here, I just give a philosophical overview of what terrorism is, rather than the static, dates events and definitions in its correct form… this essay may look as if a conspiracy theory, rather than a standard textbook styled one…
I am sorry, but this is it J


UN definition
Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them

USA definitions
FBI definition: "the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives

Defense Department definition: "The unlawful use of violence or threat of violence to instil fear and coerce governments or societies. Terrorism is often motivated by religious, political, or other ideological beliefs and committed in the pursuit of goals that are usually political.

US State dept
"Premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents

But rather than this,

Terrorism is just a way of political expression, a diplomatic tool and a way of life, (may be like business) for different group of people.
For a few who are inspired by twisted religious quoting by clerics of different religions, they feel as if they are obliged to do so… they constitute the minority of terrorists, who are in itself a minority…
The major chunk of terrorists are belonging to the second category, the groups which are simply an outfit like ‘intelligence wing’ or ‘special force’ etc etc, specially trained group, who strike over the opponent nations of the country by which they are appointed, and which comes in media lime light with (western) media outcry. These groups are so well trained, equipped and camouflaged that the public never correctly understand to whom they are working for, not to mention the media and the way they twist the realities.
And the third group of terrorists could be re grouped in to two- a richer group who are doing ‘business’ through ‘investments’ and a bunch of poor who take to the guns knowing that they are going to die and thinking that their family would be hence safe…

These all groups constitute the terrorist fraternity of the world, but only the poor from the third group and the first group in total are called terrorists + the field work team of the second group, who are (deliberately) misrepresented by media as belonging to the first group.

The term ‘terrorism’ comes from a French word terrorisme (meaning I frighten, representing reign of terror period) which was used to represent the state terrorism and the funny part is that in present world definitions, ‘state terrorism’ do not come under ‘terrorism’!!!

There is another group of people, who are also being called as terrorists… the group of people who fight for the dignity of themselves and their family, who fight for the justice which was not given to them and those who have done the injustice (the institutions which have done the injustice, to be technically correct) still not ready to apologize for what they have done in the past… these group of people could be found along the borders of many nations including our own… (We could see every sort of above mentioned terrorists along our border, to be frank)

The problem in dealing with terrorism is simple- One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter
This is the deadlock where many intellectuals stumble and confuse whether a person to be called a terrorist or not…
At this point ‘patriotism’ or the ‘civilized’ form of life comes in to picture and with the help of one of this tool or both, the so called ‘intellectuals’ draw in front of us who be called a terrorist, and we the public, are supposed to believe what they mumble to please few others…

As a human, we all belong to the single species, yet, we all fight each other, hate each other, and even kill each other without even knowing why we are doing these things… we are being brain washed, tuned and demoralized by many ‘institutions’ around us which proclaim that they stand for humanity, justice and upliftment… the organizations which are meant to unite us drew more borders between us (because it is handled by unworthy hands)… the religions which are here to bring peace to our minds made us restless (due to the wrong way it is taught)… and we live in a world, where we give importance for patriotism in an almost negative way… the only way to end terrorism may be to dethrone the institutions which have drawn borders geographically as well as in our hearts, and to have a world where we know that we all are brothers and sisters, and not just people of different countries and groups within that…

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